Hi, Newgrounds.
Oh how I've missed you.
I've spent so much time away, and have been feeling nostalgic lately. Remembering the good ol' days where expressing myself creatively was all I cared about. Back before paying rent, starting businesses and earning college degrees. They were better times. The incentive was to create something for the sake of it, not to make tons of money or seek validation from clients. Newgrounds meant the world to me then, and after an absurdly long time away, I am reminded of how important sites like this are.
Lately, I've gone back to my roots. Creating art again, and applying some of the lessons I've learned over the years to work on a new project. This project is a graphic novel called Processing, published weekly, starting a couple of months ago. I do hope you'll join me on this new series, as it explores religion, dark comedy, psychology and philosophy in ways that I think some might resonate. Give it a shot and let me know what you think.
Link: https://createdbyclyde.com/
<3 Clyde
Seems interesting
Thanks! Entire first issue is available to read online - check it out when you get a chance