New artwork, which I would like to make a game with.
During WWII, Hitler put many people towards research in creating devastating weapons, this being one of them. One of the scientists working on this war machine realized how catastrophic this would be, and also noticed how corrupt Nazi Germany was. He reprogrammed it during the final stages to kill Nazis instead, leaving a destructive force against the Nazis.
You play as this Nazi killing machine, unleashing its destructive force among the Nazi troops. I have a friend who finds this offensive for some reason, and was wondering if people have the same sentiment as him. Would playing as a Nazi robot killing Nazis offend anyone? And if it does, what would be a good alternative to this character? Should I make it based off of something different, something that doesn't involve Nazis?
Please, discuss.
Nah, your friend is just over sensitive. This would be a great idea and sounds like it would be fun to play. Hope it goes well.