Although the score of Tankmen: Battle is fairly high, the reviews are not. I have removed most bugs, so people who played the first version, maybe try it again. But either way, heres the deal.
About a 1/4 of the way through making this, I pm'd Tom asking for medals. He didn't reply for a long time. I figured, "You know what? Fuck it. I give up on this game." Not just that, but the fact that the Tankmen are not my characters demotivated me. I didn't want to make a huge game off of somebody else's creations. But then Tom finally replied. He said he would have to see a demo first, but from the screenshots I sent, it looks good. I decided to finish it, but lower the functionality, that way I wouldn't have to work as hard. And I did just that. I began working hard on it to get it out as fast as I could. I did only enough testing to get rid of large bugs, but I was very anxious to release it. I didn't want to work on it anymore. Simple as that.
What I'm trying to say was it was a huge rush. I tried to get it out as soon as I could. So there you go. Complain about anything you want, at least its out. There will probably not be a sequel, and continue to give bad reviews, I understand your frustration guys. But hey, a Tankmen game, has medals, customizeability. To the few out there who understand, enjoy.